Thursday, March 6, 2014

Good blogger/Bad blogger

This is the fourth in BlogHer's March NaBloPoMa's Challenge-- "Does blogging bring out your best or worst self?"

Hmmm…This is a tough one. Here's some background….

You may have noted in an earlier post that I like lists and I actively work on my bucket list every chance I get. I also have a plethora of lesser" lists; to-do's, I-should's and if-I-have-an-opportunity  lists. Getting back to writing was on all of these. When I got BlogHer's March NaBloPaMa Challenge in my inbox--a call to bloggers to post every day for a month and writing prompts to inspire them--I thought, "I should do this!"

Although I had no blog, I created one. Now, I have a forum and I am writing every day, so I'm happy about that and would say that reaching that goal is helping bring out my best self. As for my writing voice, well….I am Lemondrop and I try to stay sweet.  Seven posts aren't much of a sampling to judge from, though, so you'll just have to keep coming back to see for yourself….and you stay sweet, too!

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